When you’re building a house from scratch, you’re not thinking about every detail, and you’re certainly not thinking about turning it entirely green. You should, though, because taking care of the environment is one of the things we all need to focus on. Learn more about it here.
If you already have your home and you want to make it more eco-friendly, then you should be making a few changes that might be complex for some, but very easy to be done for others. One thing you need to do is understand what eco-friendly, or green means.
Eco-friendly means not polluting the environment and the planet in general. Producing waste is normal, but how you’re going to get rid of it is going to determine whether you’re green or not. Using power is essential, but the way you’re going to do it can make you eco-friendly or toxic.
In this article, we’re sharing five things that will turn your home into an eco-friendly oasis. If you manage to put these items or habits into practice, then you can call yourself truly dedicated to preserving the environment and helping nature become healthy again. See what you should do.
1. Install solar panels on the roof
To provide electricity for entire cities, power plant factories must burn different kinds of fuels. That creates a ton of waste and if you want to help the environment, you should lower the pressure on them. This is best done by installing your electricity manufacturing system.
Solar panels on the roof of your house can generate electricity for the entire home. The solar panels use the power of the sun. The sun rays have enough energy to be transformed into electricity, which these panels are doing.
When there’s enough heat, the panels power the batteries and store the excess amount of it. When you get home, you can turn on the light, make lunch, or do whatever you need using this electricity. Of course, it may not always be enough for everything, and you’ll still need to use the mainline, but it is perfect for providing some and relieving the obligations of the nearby power plants making them pollute less.
2. Invest in double insulation
Insulation is one of the most essential issues you need to mind when you’re thinking about cutting the bills for heating and cooling. At the same time, it is one of the issues that can contribute tremendously to preserving the environment.
When you’re spending less electricity to heat up and cool down the place, you’re helping the power plants we talked about produce less. That means they will pollute less, which is a win-win situation for everyone. See more about insulation here: https://www.yourhome.gov.au/passive-design/insulation.
What you need to do is call pro contractors and ask them if they can make the insulation better. This is a big investment, and you’ll need to take down the outside paint of the walls, but in the end – it will be worth it. You’ll get lower bills, and it will be much easier to heat or cool your home. That means you’ll spend less electricity and contribute to helping nature.
3. Start reusing and recycling the waste
The three R’s are essential in keeping the environment. Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling is what every home should be doing to help the planet regenerate itself. We all need to eat three healthy meals per day. That means we create a lot of waste. This waste usually goes in the landfill, but we can decide what goes where, and what we’re going to reuse for other needs.
It may seem strange for some, but organic waste can be used as a great fertilizer for your yard. At the same time, it will make a significant difference in the amount of waste going into the landfill. What you need to do for this is to get yourself a compost bin, and toss the organic waste there.
After some time, the banana peels, meat leftovers, and other foods that you would typically throw in the garbage will turn into a useful fertilizer that you can use for feeding the plants in your yard. Everyone benefits from this, so get yourself a compost bin.
4. Limit water usage
Did you know that an average US family spends around 70 gallons of water per day? That’s a lot. Instead of wasting water so much, you can start thinking about turning off the faucet while you’re soaping your hands and start showering instead of taking a bath.
Some people install sensors on their faucets and that helps them to turn off the water when no one is using it. This has proven to save nearly half of the water usage in companies and up to a third in households.
If you can do something like this, you’ll help nature heal itself. With this rate of water consumption, we’re facing freshwater depletion. We soon might not have any kind of water and we will need to come out with a different solution that is not going to work for anyone.
5. Install a water pump in your yard
To save water means you should find an alternative source other than the city line you’re using regularly. When it comes to watering your yard, or even using it for your domestic needs, you should install a water pump that will extract water from under the ground.
A lot of homes around the world have these home water pumps because they are a highly convenient solution. Some of those that have issues with the city lines, use this option as the main water source. If you install one in your yard, you’ll save a tremendous amount of water every year, which will eventually help us save the planet.
The investment is not spectacularly high, but you’ll still need to call the pros because not everyone is skilled and experienced in doing it. After it is done, just yearly maintenance of the equipment will be enough, and you’ll always have fresh water.